NET (Network Evaluation Tool)
Introducing The NET (Network Evaluation Tool):
The Ultimate Business Analysis, Decision Optimization, Scenario Building and Cost-Saving Tool
The NET, developed by The Beacon Group, is designed to evaluate your current baseline business and supply chain operations across all cost silos.
Where are these opportunities to improve service and costs?
What can be done in the short term to improve profits almost immediately?
What can be done strategically to improve and preserve profits in the long term?
After that, our experts use the NET to build future business and network scenarios that will result in the highest service and lowest cost solution for our clients while also minimizing capital requirements and major operational disruptions. This tool is driven by our highly trained experts for you, so there is no learning curve to take advantage of this powerful new technology.
Key Features
Comprehensive Project Management: Easily manage, mix and or combine multiple projects within the organization under one system account.
Strategic Scenario Building: Our analysts build well thought out future solutions for your business virtually so you can have a view of what the future will look like before making big and important business decisions. It’s like having a crystal ball for your business!
Simplified Data Handling and Error Fixing: The NET is designed to make the data gathering process easy for you. Additionally, the NET can identify errors ahead of time and help correct data that is not consistent with reality. Every business has data that was generated by humans and humans make mistakes. The NET helps mitigate these errors before the project even begins.
Data Visualization: Spreadsheets and databases can be very difficult to decipher and interpret. The NET brings your data into beautiful visualizations that are easily understood.
Virtual P&L Generator: Imagine seeing what your P&L would look like 2-3 years from now after implementing a well thought out business plan and comparing that to your current baseline assuming you made no changes.
Inventory: When changes are made to the number of DC’s, manufacturing locations, or sourcing changes, inventory can be impacted. The NET computes these impacts based on the changes you want to make to your business and supply chain network.
Procurement costs
Interest on inventory
Duties & MPF’s
Safety stock
Warehouse space requirements
And more are all evaluated and compared quickly and easily by our analysts using the NET.
Incentives Integration: Factor in state, municipality, and property-based incentives that might be available on larger capital-intensive projects.
Transportation: Transportation is one of the largest cost centers in the supply chain. The NET, in conjunction with Beacon’s Centroid Transportation Modeling Program, ensures your future networks will realize both the very best speed to market and the lowest costs possible for both your current baseline business and any future scenarios that are developed by our experts.
Material Handling: When you implement network consolidations and/or expansions you will be required to lease or purchase new and sometimes more modern material handling equipment to ensure efficient product handling and space utilization. Our experts will project this cost for you for each scenario and generate virtual P&L’s and cash flow statements in the NET and roll it up with all other costs, so you have a clear picture of what your future looks like - what is your ROI and IRR on these investments? Our experts will tell you for each and every scenario under evaluation.
Labor Management
Labor Costs and Planning: Typically, labor can be half of your warehouse operations costs or more depending on the products handled and the efficiency of the DC operations.
How can labor costs be minimized in your future state?
How will labor costs be affected if you move to another location?
How much labor will be saved if automation is implemented?
Our experts will tell you and these costs will also be rolled up in the NET.
Real Estate: Real Estate can be a huge inhibitor and setback for companies seeking to make improvements in their supply chains. Our Experts will ensure that all your buildings are accurately recorded into the NET’s powerful Real Estate Module.
All critical dates
Lease rates
Purchase prices
Down payments
Depreciation and interests
Utilities and more are all imported into the NET.
A baseline real estate scenario is established and then compared to alternative future real estate scenarios in excruciating detail. The Beacon Group's real estate brokers and experts stay on top of real estate trends.
The NET and our experts can model future prospective building alternatives within minutes and roll up into comprehensive real estate budgets and cash flow statements for the C suite. Furthermore, our brokers track every bid during negotiations for new lease or purchase transactions and provide the NET’s Broker Report Card to our customers as savings continue to be realized.
The NET can also serve as a great lease administration tool for our real estate clients.
With The Beacon Group and the NET, you have a powerful combination of expert analysis and advanced technologies at your disposal. Our team is here to assist you in saving money and improving your financial performance quickly and accurately with minimal to no disruption in your day-to-day routine.
Unlock the potential of your business with the expert guidance of the Beacon Group and the power of 4SYTE ™!